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Email Mystery Shopping

Email Mystery Shopping is a specialised service used to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of a business’s email customer service.  Our mystery shoppers send emails to your business posing as customers with enquiries, complaints or requests and assess the responses received based on specific criteria.

Shoppers will evaluate key aspects such as:

  • Response times
  • Accuracy
  • Helpfulness
  • Tone
  • Professionalism
They report back on the entire interaction, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.  

After completing their evaluation shoppers will provide detailed reports via our secure online platform.  You will see copies of all the interactions.

Email mystery shopping helps businesses ensure their email customer service is efficient, effective, and meets the high standards expected by customers.

For more information to see how Email Mystery Shopping can improve service quality and help you to maintain a competitive edge, call us on 07447 942887 for a chat, or complete the form below for a no obligation quote.  

We look forward to hearing from you!

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