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Housing Mystery Shopping

JKS offer a unique system of mystery shopping using JKS shoppers or residents and tenants. We also deliver innovative and creative training to the Housing Sector, helping you to deliver service excellence at every opportunity in the most cost effective way.

Housing Mystery Shopping

Our mystery shopping programmes will look at key customer contacts or ‘moments of truth’ that influences whether your customers will use your services, return and recommend to others.

Housing Association Mystery Shopping

Our clients in this sector include the Chartered Institute of Housing, housing associations, local authorities, ALMO’s, tenants, residents, and landlords. Our mystery shopping and training services help the social housing sector meet the needs of the new TSA Standard of Tenant Involvement and Empowerment.

We also conduct mystery shopping and training for the private housing sector, including prestigious home builders, and builders merchants.

Whether you want to use our highly experienced shoppers or your own tenants we can help you devise a suitable mystery shopping campaign.  

  • We will first of all meet with you to discuss your exact requirements and find out exactly what you wish to monitor. 
  • We will then devise a suitable questionnaire for your organisation. Each questionnaire is bespoke so you can be guaranteed to have something that is totally appropriate to your needs. Scoring and weighting will be added so you can focus on what is important to you. 
  • A schedule of visits will be agreed and could be weekly, monthly or quarterly.  We will prepare everything for you including shoppers briefs and agree a shopper spend if appropriate. 
  • Reports will be available to you using our 24/7 online reporting system, providing you with a comprehensive suite of reports. 
We can also make mystery telephone calls, video surveys and access your website to make enquiries


As well as the standard mystery shopping services, JKS specialise in tenant led mystery shopping and can help you:
  • Develop a tenant led mystery shopping project
  • Train tenants in the key skills that make an excellent shopper
  • Analyse your findings and deliver summary reporting
  • Write scenarios and briefs
  • Provide on going support to your mystery shopping tenants
  • We will be happy to discuss your requirements further and put together a plan which suits your needs. 


JKS are a reputable mystery shopping company who have been trading since 1999.  

If you would like to learn how we can help your Housing Organisation provide value for money services and increase customer satisfaction, then please call us now on 07447 942887 or complete the form below for a free no obligation quote.

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